Thursday, July 17, 2003

A re-creation of the real first-ever blog

My friend Joe just suggested I write a blog. Brilliant, I thought! Why don't I start a blog just when my life has gotten completely uninteresting? Then I can write about everything I do now and people can be mind-bogglingly bored. If you don't believe that my life is as boring as I say it is, now I will prove it. Here is what I did on Wednesday:

9:30 am Living back at home. Some guy is painting house and needs to get in to remove window screens.
9:35 am Dog is going crazy. Go to park because if dog is in backyard he might eat painter.
10:00 am Watch Dawson's Creek reruns. Damn Jen for getting to sleep with Charlie. And damn Dawson and Joey for being so damn whiny.
12:00 pm Shower. Big improvement over last couple of days.
1:00 pm Lunch at grandparents' house. Highlight of day.
4:00 pm Get online to check on Friendster and various messengers. Chat with fabulous Swiss girl I met in Mexico (Fabienne, I miss you!). Review cover letter for position I actually want.
6:30 pm Big headache (I blame the air conditioning. There isn't much air conditioning in Mexico and I'm just not used to it anymore.). Hide out in my room where vents are carefully positioned to prevent room from becoming ice-box like rest of house.
7:30 pm Phone rings. Run to parents' room to get phone but can't find it anywhere. Miss call. Go back to room and read.
8:30 pm Lynn calls and tells me why I should move to NYC. Also tells me great plot she's developed for book. Go Lynn!
9:30 pm Dad comes home while I'm pathetically putting together my dinner (a quesadilla). Asks why I didn't answer phone because he wanted to make dinner plans. Doh! Tells me he ended up at Chipotle. Doh! I've been wanting Chipotle for months (And before any of my friends whine about this... Yes, I was living in Mexico. Yes, they have REAL Mexican food there. But, goddamit, sometimes I want my Chipotle burritos and my Pace mild, non-chunky picante sauce!).
10:15 pm Back on computer. Check Friendster and messengers again. Look up blog that Lynn loves and decide that Sarah B. is my idol. Talk to Joe on AIM and he suggests I write blog on analog life but I choose Blogger instead. Sorry Joe.
