Thursday, July 17, 2003


Wow! I think Blogger can read minds. I just checked my page and there are ads for how to make tortillas. I want to make tortillas!

Now I know all you smart people out there are probably saying, "Elise, Blogger can't read minds but it can use Google to look for key words in your posts." Just so you know, I do realize this. But it was still pretty cool the first time I noticed the ad banner.

I've noticed that the ad banner changes just a smidgen every time I refresh. For example, sometimes it says "tortilla, mexican food, chipotle" and sometimes it says, "mexican food, chipotle, michelle williams." Now, I know that I mentioned Michelle Williams (aka Jen on Dawson's Creek) but what I don't understand is why she came up instead of Katie Holmes or James Van Der Beek. Google, you continue to intrigue me with your wily ways.
