Wednesday, December 17, 2003

Next time I try to be honest just shoot me

I just hurt someone's feelings on an Internet dating sight... oops. Sorry, and I truly mean it. Sadly, I cannot say sorry to this person because he deleted his profile right after sending me a message. His final words:

"That was kind of a mouthfull just to reject someone, dontcha think ? Most people would just not respond or say 'not interested, thanks' If it's 'not your scene' (and I'm not into religion either, BTW) or if you don't really want to talk about what makes you who you are, then why mention your upbringing at all ?

"I will part with a thank you. Thank you for making me realize how soulless internet dating is and further confirming my hunch that I am, in fact, not really all that cool. These are both good things."
