Sunday, January 11, 2004

And I thought the Washington Post was always right!

Here's a movie update from the past week. I managed to fit two into my busy schedule.

First, Lana and I checked out Bad Santa because it looked funny and it had received two green lights from the Washington Post (rating scale of red, yellow, and green like U.S. streetlights where green means "go see the movie," yellow means "caution. the movie wasn't that great but it wasn't that bad," and red means "stop! don't go"). Lana had the brilliant idea to invite her mom and her friend Liz. Liz was no problem to me, but any of you who have seen Bad Santa will agree that watching said movie with a parent is a very uncomfortable experience. After the movie ended, our group was shocked. How on earth did Bad Santa, which we thought was pretty bad and certainly more depressing than funny, get two green lights and reviews that said it was hilarious? It must be a guy movie.

The other movie I was lucky enough to see this week was Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King. I've been wanting to see the last installment of LOTR for weeks. I asked my guy friends and they all said that they'd rather see an artsy, serious, and/or foreign movie (they suggested we see movies like The Revolution Will Not Be Televised, The House of Sand and Fog, Mystic River, and In America). What's a girl gotta do to see LOTR? I called up my dear friend Alison, who's always up for a movie or a concert, and she said she would come with me. Thank you, Alison! Last night we went to the movie and it was sooooooo good. I didn't really like the first part of the trilogy but the last two have been amazing.

So that's my movie update. There are many others I would like to see but, as you all know from seeing how much I've been blogging of late, I just don't have the time. I'll keep you posted. Anyone seen any must-sees?

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