Wednesday, February 18, 2004

This makes me feel a little better

In the last few months I've heard many comment that despite all of the horrible things that Bush has done, the democrats still might lose the presidential election in November. Several friends and family members have begun discussing life after November if Bush is still in power; many have mentioned fleeing the country. Well, I just read an AP article that gives me some hope. The AP headline reads "In Polls, Kerry, Edwards Both Lead Bush."

Thank goodness. The truth is that I love this country and I don't want to watch it spiral further downward. While I enjoy traveling and living in other countries from time to time, I want the U.S. to be my permanent home. If Bush is re-elected I will probably move away, but I don't want it to come to this. George Bush, don't take my country away from me!

Let's just hope that Bush doesn't "catch" Osama in October.
