Wednesday, April 21, 2004


My birthday evening has gone quite well. My parents gave me a gym bag, a shopping trip to Lucky, and a diamond ring. The ring actually has three small diamonds because I have to get used to the fact that diamonds are my birthstone. I used to have this fear that some guy was going to spend loads of money on a diamond ring for me when I would much rather receive an expensive stereo. I've just gotten over the fear in the past few years. For all I know, I'll be dreaming of diamonds by my thirtieth birthday.

The silliest gift I got today is actually the one I was wishing for. I just got my 4,200th hit on my website and I wanted to get that hit today since my birthday is 4/20. Oddly enough, that 4,200th hit was from someone who clicked on my link on analog life. Members of analog life take great pleasure in teasing me so I will take great pleasure in knowing my 4,200th hit came from their website.
