Friday, September 24, 2004

I so can't relate

Today I made it to the gym after a 10-day hiatus (Last Wednesday, I made it as far as the gym parking lot, where I preceeded to take a nap in my car before buying a pair of shoes and heading off to eat greasy food at Spanish club.). As I've mentioned before, I find gym culture fascinating, mostly because I feel like I just don't fit in.

The latest overheard conversation comes from two working women who were slacking on the mats. First, I'm happy to say that I am not the only one who's been having trouble making it to the gym recently, as both mentioned this problem (Perhaps it's the weather. It has been really beautiful out.). That I can relate to. Quickly, though, the conversation turned to engagement rings and wedding bands (not the rings but the musical ones). At this point in my life, I can't imagine dating a guy for six months, let alone getting engaged or... married. Will I ever be like these women?

(2.6.05 Note: I was thinking about this post today and I realized how much I have changed in the last several months. When I wrote this post, I still wasn't over Luis even though I thought I was. Now I finally feel ready for a relationship. Of course, as I have said before, I'm not willing to settle for the wrong guy. However, if the right person were to come along now, I would be open to trying to make a relationship work. Arghhh. Talking about relationships is almost as hard as having one.)

