Sunday, October 17, 2004

Tag! You're it!

Another year, another trip to play laser tag for my brother's birthday. This year I played with our group of 11-year-old boys and a group of 9-year-old boys. I have never seen so many little boys crying in my life. I guess laser tag is stressful. On the plus side, the way that the boys supported each other, especially when one of them was crying, restored my faith in humanity.

Now that I've played four games at ShadowLand, my game has improved greatly. Here are my scorecards to prove it:

Date playedGame #RankYou hitHit youPoints# of players

Okay, fine. So I'm a little competitive... even when my opponents are children. But, think about it this way. Thanks to laser tag's birthday party popularity, these kids are playing the game many times a year. All things considered, I think my improvement is impressive.

P.S. My brother would like me to add that he ranked fourth in both of yesterday's games.
