Monday, November 08, 2004

The odd girl out

For the last two weeks in a row I have been the only girl on my soccer team who's shown up. Since the rules state that each team must have at least three girls on the field at all times or play with just seven guys plus the girl(s)*, this has been quite frustrating. Luckily, there were two girls from a previous team that were willing to play last week and they were quite possibly the best girls in the entire league. This week we were short both girls AND guys so we had to forfeit the game to the worst team in the league. We had a fun time, though, and played better than ever before with several borrowed male players and me as the only girl. Oh, and just in case you were wondering, our forfeit makes us the new worst team in the league. Asi es la vida.

*For people like me who know nothing about soccer, each team has eleven players on the field. This includes the goalie.
