Friday, November 05, 2004

My sentiments exactly

I wish I could take credit for this:
    Hey, does your country suck less than the US is about to?

    Would they let me (and 1 1/2 other people) emigrate there? Do they speak English there (because our German and French isn't really ready for prime time and Latin's useless)? Do you have any information about it? Do you want to e-mail me with this information?

    If the answer to the above questions (even most of them) is yes, then e-mail me at emigrate AT fidius DOT org (replace the AT with @ and the DOT with . of course).

    I'm serious. I give up. I'm taking Merle Haggard's advice. You rightwing moron Walmart McDonald's Atkins diet Fox News SUV suburban no child left behind sanctity of marriage antichoice apathetic standardized test agribusiness taxcut moral majority televangelist fuckheads can have America; I'm through with it.
