Saturday, October 30, 2004

The clean plate club

iateamango: remember that guy chuck from college
iateamango: the weird blond one
elise: ummm
elise: no?
iateamango: he was very weird
elise: don't know him i don't think
iateamango: long hair
iateamango: sideburns
iateamango: pretentious but sort of funny
iateamango: ANYWAY
iateamango: i always think about this one thing he said
iateamango: and i am going to tell you what it is
iateamango: we were at the dining hall and...i forget who
iateamango: but someone was eating a veggie burger
iateamango: not me
iateamango: and they finished it and he said, "did that happen to be exactly how hungry you were....or are you one of those people who just always finishes their food"
iateamango: and ever since then i've thought about how it's weird to realize that you dont HAVE to finish your egg sandwich if you don't want to
iateamango: the end
