Friday, October 29, 2004

Another love life update

This post is for closure. After this I plan to never ever write about my love life again (we'll see if I actually stick to that) because it is just too easy for anyone (and by anyone I include people I am dating or might date in the future) to find this site.

For the record, I am currently single. The Mexican bad-boy waiter and I have gone our separate ways. On August 24, we went to the movies. He insisted on seeing Alien vs. Predator even after I told him it got horrible reviews and pointed out that he wouldn't be able to understand the dialogue anyway. I said that I would leave if he went to the movie and he responded with, "It would not anger me if you left." So, I said, "okay," and walked out. I haven't seen him since.

As for Internet dating, I haven't actively done it in two or three months. Searching the dating sites has lost its novelty, though I still go on the ocassional date when a potentially interesting guy contacts me.

Which brings me to one last thing. I am an equal opportunity dater. All of my comments about latin guys on this site are said in fun. I have a running joke with my friends that I only like latinos. Sure, there's some truth in all jokes, but that doesn't mean that I only date latin guys. Now that being said, I won't date just anybody. I'd rather be alone than do that.

This concludes the love life update. Have a nice day :)

