Thursday, August 18, 2005

We live in a beautiful world (and this time I'm not being sarcastic)

I just found the best thing ever. It's called Modest Needs and, according to the website, here's what it is:
    Modest Needs is a non-profit organization reaching out to the people conventional philanthropy has forgotten: hard-working individuals and families who suddenly find themselves faced with small, emergency expenses that they have no way to afford on their own.
I wish I had thought of this! No matter, though, because I think it's great someone did. I've done a little web research on the non-profit and it seems legit. Here are links to Fox News and USA Today in case you need some convincing.

Now, give a little bit!

ModestNeeds.Org - Small Change. A World Of Difference.

(Note #1: Please post this on your site and encourage others to do the same!)

(Note #2: If you decide to research this or anything else on my site and you find out something is not legit, please tell me. Thanks.)
