Wednesday, July 20, 2005

I like this girl

So I'm at work doing a lot of copying. A LOT of copying. Really I should be gone by now but I've got a busy day ahead of me tomorrow so I figured I'd get some of the crap work done while searching the Internet for something interesting to read. Lucky me, I found exactly what I was looking for.

JordanBaker, who works in education, is quite an interesting lady who's gone on a number of Nerve dates. Seeing as I work in education, think I'm quite an interesting lady, and have gone on my share of Nerve dates, I figured I should link to her. So, on the bar to your right, you can now find a link to Ms. Baker's site. It's called Dealing in Subterfuges.

(8.1.05 Note: Turns out that Ms. Baker doesn't exactly work in education. She's actually an English grad student. No wonder she's a better writer than I am!)
