Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Me vs. Technology

I was so excited to add the Google search bar on the right and at first it actually worked. Now, it hardly even finds my name. *sigh* This has been quite sad for me but I have done some research and learned some stuff. Here's what I've learned:
  1. Don't cloak. I didn't know I was doing anything wrong putting relevant words (dharmajoy, ramblingsofagirl, Where is my mind?, Elise) in my computer code that weren't visible to the readers of my site, but it turns out I was. I have now taken out all hidden messages.

  2. Get people to link to you. If you read my blog and you like what you read, please link to me. If you let me know you've done this I might even be nice and reciprocate.

  3. Learn all about webcrawlers and spiders. This is the part I don't know much about yet but I needed a third bullet. Google has a lot of good information on this topic if you are interested.
Once the search bar is actually functional, I'll let you know. To my friends who I swear I've written about, sorry for bringing it up and letting you down.
