Friday, September 30, 2005

Friendster, what have you done?

Dear Friendster users,

I have bad news for you. Remember last week when you went to your ex's profile to see what (s)he's been up to? Remember how you knew that (s)he would never know that you checked up on her/him? Well, times have changed. Now Friendster allows you to see the last 80 or so people who have viewed your profile.

I suggest you get on immediately and check it out. I cannot believe some of the people who have looked at me. I'm also slightly freaked out because I can't even remember who I've been looking at. Thankfully, Friendster will allow you to look at profiles anonymously from now on if you check the right box.


P.S. In other news, my name is in two books that are on the NY Times bestseller list. At least something is right in the world.

(9.30.05 Note: I just went on Friendster again and the last 79 people who had viewed my profile were no longer there. I guess Friendster got so many horrified messages from users saying, "I can't believe you didn't warn us about this!!!" that it has deleted all of the profile views that occurred before today. Thank goodness... but I'm glad I got to check out who viewed my profile before Friendster made the fix.)
