Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Beating the clock

In preparation for my trip to Europe, I woke up at 4:30 this morning.* I am usually only up at 4:30 if I haven't gone to bed yet. Still, I will only be in London for 24 hours and I want to be able to enjoy it. My friend Christina is there and I haven't seen her in nearly a year. So, today 4:30 and tomorrow perhaps I'll wake up at 2:30. Hopefully, that will help me sleep well on my Wednesday evening flight.

On the plus side, waking up early is quite productive for me. With no one to call or chat online with this morning, I was able to get my finances in order and do some cleaning. Now I think I'll head to work early for my last day. That way, I can fit in some final Georgetown shopping a little later.

* "What time is it? Uh 4:30. It's not late, no. It's early." ~The Spin Doctors. :)
