Friday, August 01, 2003

I was set up

My new life in the U.S. continues to be weird.

Tonight a guy I kind of know from college convinced me to go to a free concert. I thought he was just inviting me because he wanted a ride. Little did I know that another guy with a car, we'll call him Guy #2, was at his house as well. Guy #2 and I went to high school together but never really knew each other. Anyway, we all go to the concert and, afterwards, we all agree to grab a beer. But wait! College Guy doesn't have any money and we have to drive back to his house. We get back and College Guy announces that he's just going to get his bike and ride to his other house, which is apparently where we JUST WERE... but Guy #2 and I should still go for a beer. At this point I'm pissed because I wanted to go to a bar around where the concert was but I agree to go with Guy #2 and College Guy takes off.

Well, it turns out that Guy #2 is quite interesting to talk to. We talked for hours and we are currently instant messaging. He also picked up on College Guy's game and we both decided that we were set up. Even though I'm a little frustrated by College Guy's deception, now I have a new friend. Plus, I think College Guy's heart was in the right place even if he did pull a really lame maneuver.
