Wednesday, July 30, 2003

Cut and paste

elise: salvador: hi baby
elise: eso no es mi nombre
andy: haha
elise: salvador: little one
elise: : D
elise: i just sweared at him
andy: como
elise: btw, you have now seen the extent of his english
elise: oh wait
andy: hi baby and little one?
elise: salvador: fuck you
elise: he also knows, "help me translator... help me!"
elise: that was when he wanted to use programs on the computer but the instructions were in english
elise: salvador: what the hell are you taking abuat
elise: hee hee hee
elise: this is funny
andy: aww he knows some english
elise: the important stuff
elise: he knows other swear words too
elise: salvador: is cool
elise: and he knows that... hasn't quite figured out subjects, apparently
andy: haha man .. has he taken any classes ever?
elise: probably in hs... but you know how those are
andy: true, true
elise: salvador: is good
elise: what is good?
salvador: my heart
elise: elise: Elise's Spanish is good
salvador: no way
andy: haha .. what a loon
andy: lol
elise: this is the best conversation ever
elise: he is being so silly
elise: this is totally going on the blog
