Saturday, July 26, 2003

Rocking it like a moldy crouton

Today I totally rocked my job interview, at least I think so. It lasted two hours and I interviewed with five people. I did my presentation for three people and I think they really liked it. They laughed and everything! Of course, it could be because I draw a mean stick figure. Perhaps if I make it to a scanner, I will post my favorite stick figure drawings on this very blog.

Anyway, the crazy thing about my job interview was what happened afterwards. As I walked out the door, all I could think was, "I rocked that like a moldy crouton!" That might sound like gibberish to most of you, but to certain folks from my freshman year dorm it means a hell of a lot. That year there was a guy on the hall who loved to coin wacky phrases. These phrases proved to be so wacky that, six years later, the best ones are still stuck in my head.

Here are the three I still remember (number 3 is a personal favorite):

1. I rocked it like a moldy crouton. - I did a really good job.

2. I rocked it like a moldy crustacean. - I did a really bad job.

3. That girl was like Tarzan on your nut sack. - That girl really wanted to get with you.

Since these phrases have stayed with me for such a long time, I figure they must be good. I propose that we work to add these sayings into the current vernacular. To give this idea momentum, try to add them into your everyday conversations with friends, family, and co-workers. Who's with me on this?

Whew! After limited sleep from researching and writing these past few nights, I'm feeling a little woozy. My bed and my book are calling to me. I hope all of you are having a lovely evening wherever you are. Good night.

Disclaimer: I translated the above phrases myself. If I have not done a good job, please contact me and I will right the error of my ways.
