Wednesday, July 23, 2003

And so it begins

On Friday, I am going on my first job interview since returning from Mexico. This is not the first one I've ever been on, and I know that it certainly won't be the last, but this interview feels different from the previous ones. The biggest difference is that this is the first time I've ever applied for a real, full-time position and not just some job that's going to end before the year is up. The other difference is that I just returned from Mexico and I sometimes toy with the idea of moving back. If I get a real job that dream will vanish and, while it is truly just a dream and I doubt that I really would move back, I will have to accept that the life I built in Mexico is over.

Asi es la vida. Life must move on and I must find a way to survive. So... If you have any interview tips for me please tell me soon. You can write the tips in the comments section or, if you know me, send me an e-mail. Thanks, in advance, to anyone who helps me out.
