Friday, July 18, 2003

Go figure...

I got back from Mexico on July 2nd and I didn't really go out (unless you count dinner with my parents) for two weeks. I think that's the longest I've gone without going out since middle school and, believe it or not, I was kind of proud of myself. I wasn't bored, I didn't feel pathetic, and I was only a little sad (If you had just left a wonderful experience and a boy you were falling for, you would probably be a little sad, too.). Go figure that exactly two weeks after leaving Mexico, I would be out and about again.

Tonight Ben and Andy invited me to go eat Korean food. I don't think I've ever had Korean food before and I was quite happy with it. Plus, we were the only non-Koreans in the place. That's always fun and, as my dad says, proof that the food is authentic. Ben treated both Andy and me even though we both protested. Then, Ben decided that we were going to get some gelato next. We head to the gelato place and Ben treats us again. On the ride home, Andy mentions the mini golf course nearby and, on a whim, we decide that we have to play. This time Andy treats! Let me just say that I have only been on one or two dates where the guy has paid for everything and, now, here I am with TWO guys paying for everything. Definitely an excellent start to my new phase of going out in the States.
