Wednesday, July 23, 2003

The things we take for granted

For my job interview on Friday, I have been asked to give a 5 minute presentation about anything. The purpose of the presentation is to test my comfort level in front of an audience and, I think, to find out a little bit about my personality. Past people have given presentations on a wide range of topics, including past job projects and how to jump out of a moving vehicle. I have narrowed my ideas down to two topics:

1) Communication: I was going to start with a history lesson on communication, maybe starting with when gentlemen in suits used to come to the door and leave calling cards. This would obviously end with the wonders of modern technology. Then I was going to talk about how we are so dependent on cell phones, home phones, and e-mail but what would happen if none of these were readily available. This would bring me to my life in Mexico where I lived for 9 months without any sort of phone. While I had Internet access, it wasn't constant. I, like almost all my friends, would use it once a day for up to an hour, if at all. So, how does one communicate in this world? Maybe you sit on the steps of the theater in the main square and hope that the person you want to speak with passes by. Maybe you stop into restaurants or coffee shops or schools where that person may be. Or maybe you wait until dark and check the bars. And if you don't see the person you are looking for but do come upon his friend, you pass on a message.

2) The things we take for granted: I had this idea after the communication one. Lynn thinks this idea might get too sappy. All I could think of for topics on this were communication, drinkable water, and working toilets (and I certainly don't want to bring up working toilets in a job interview).

So, what do you think? Any thoughts and suggestions would be much appreciated.
