Sunday, July 27, 2003

I should NOT go out more often

Tonight, Saturday, I went out for the first time this week. I'm getting pretty used to this not going out thing. Plus I'm losing weight (no beer) and saving money, too.

Anyway, on to tonight's events. I convinced my friend Alison to come see Alien Ant Farm with me. While I love AAF, not many others do. Everyone I played the music for said no to going to the concert. By the time I got to Alison, I had wised up. I said, "Have you heard of Alien Ant Farm?" She said, "No." I said, "I really like them. Their concert is only $10. Do you want to go?" She said, "Okay."

We went to the show, we both had a good time, and then something absolutely CRAZY happened. The doorman asked me out. I can count on two fingers the number of people who have asked me out before tonight. Then, here I am at a concert with absolutely no interest, thanks to my previous Latin lover, in men and some guy asks me out. If ever anyone says to you, "It'll happen when you least expect," or "It'll happen when you stop looking," I tell you now that person is right.

The guy seemed nice so I gave him my phone number. He says he'll take me out tomorrow, Sunday, for lunch. Even though I'm not interested in having a sensual relationship with anyone right now, it would be nice to have some new friends around here.

In other news, I continue to bring my chaotic Mexican energy to the States. On the drive home from the show, I witnessed yet another fight. This one was in a wealthy neighborhood and appeared to be two guys beating the crap out of some other guy. How is it that I never saw this stuff before?

