Sunday, August 03, 2003

I'm a sucker

I totally love gimmicks so when Spy Kids 3D came out I wanted to run to my theater immediately. This past Wednesday I invited my nine-year-old brother to attend a showing with me, but he turned me down! Now, I'm not afraid to see most movies alone but something about walking into Spy Kids 3D solo made me cringe. Lucky for me, Alison wanted to do something Friday night. "What do you want to do?" I asked her. She replied, "Well, there are two movies I want to see, but..." "But what?" I asked. "Well... I want to see Spy Kids 3D," She blurted out in an embarassed tone. At this point I realized that Alison and I have been friends all these years for exactly THIS moment.

When we got to the theater, we gave the ticket taker a big grin while he handed us our glasses. As we walked past him, we giggled and hurriedly unwrapped our new toys. So, what do I have to say about the latest Spy Kids? It rocked! I'm so glad we went. Way better than that 3D dinosaur movie I saw last Sunday at the Smithsonian (Yes, I did manage to see TWO 3D movies in one week. I know you're jealous). Plus, during Spy Kids there were parts when you didn't need to wear the glasses, so when you leave the theater your head doesn't hurt like hell. We had a great time and I highly recommend it. Just remember to stay past the credits if you go.

In other news, I also went to the gym yesterday. It was the first time I'd gone in ten months and I am sore as hell. When I walk up and down stairs I look like a feeble, old woman. And laughing... God, please don't make me laugh.

