Thursday, October 02, 2003

On your Star Wars sheets...

What do you see when you look at a girl
Is she a game you wanna win?
If no one was looking
What would you do to get in?
Do you have friends who would be proud
If you went in for the kill?
Do you have friends who would do it
even against her will?...
I bet you think you're such a hottie
But a body afraid is not a sexual body,
What do you see when you look at a girl?
Is she a game you wanna win?
If no one was looking,
What would you do to get in?...
What if they did that to your sister?
What if they did that to your mother?
On your Star Wars sheets
Where you set the scene
Was she seducing you?
Or did she want to scream?

~From "Mother's Day" by Nada Surf

(I just got the Proximity Effect CD at the concert on Sunday and, while I have heard "Mother's Day" before, I've been listening to that particular song a lot. I always like it when male bands write anti-rape songs. I hope they do some good.)
