Wednesday, September 24, 2003

Paradise Hotel

Tonight I caught a glimpse of Paradise Hotel while I was channel surfing and I am outraged. Doesn't anyone think that it is just the slightest bit ridiculous that a show based around people shacking up with each other should have to blur out the participants' mouths when they swear? Frankly, I'd rather have my kids hear someone swear than watch a show where people switch bedroom partners every week (I don't watch the show but I'm pretty sure that's how it works). On the website there's even a section devoted to the "bedroom shuffle" with text that reads, "Who's rooming with who this week? And who's the one sleeping alone? Keep track of the bed-hopping with this handy chart." The chart includes one single bed and three doubles. Then it shows who is in each bed and a little scintillating text about each hotel contestant.
