Monday, September 15, 2003


Have you ever wondered who exactly clicks on those online ads? Well, wonder no further. It's me! It's always me!

Okay, so, actually it's almost never me. But today, I was on Friendster and I saw an ad for Neighborhoodies. I clicked on the link but something was wrong with the website and it didn't work. I was so intrigued that I kept clicking and clicking until it worked and I'm so glad I did. Neighborhoodies is awesome. If you can't guess by the name, Neighborhoodies started off making customized hooded sweatshirts for customers from different neighborhoods. Now they have all sorts of clothing styles and you can customize the clothes with anything you want. My personal favorites on the current Neighborhoodie of the Week page say "Tomato" and "Take the Canolis".

At the moment, I am totally broke and job-less so there will be no Neighborhoodies in my near future. But, for all of you who do have jobs and a steady income, I definitely recommend this site. It's witty and fun and sells some great merchandise. And now I'm off to prepare for a job interview. Wish me luck!
