Monday, September 15, 2003

For all you Tinkers Punishment fans

I know that a lot of people have been finding my blog thanks to Tinkers Punishment. Now that you're at my site, I've got a question for all of you: Why don't you guys ever leave any comments?

And now I have a little favor to ask. If you came here because you searched for the above band and found this particular blog, please leave a comment. Here's what I want to know:

1. Where you are from
2. Where you heard about Tinkers Punishment
3. How old you are

That's it. You don't even have to leave a real address or website or even a real name. I think these guys should get a little recognition for their music. Maybe we can get them some. And now, since I know you really came here to see a Tinkers Punishment photo, here's one. There are more Tinkers Punishment pictures in the August archive.

(10.19.03 Note: You Tinkers Punishment fans suck. I know you're coming here. I can see what you typed into your search engine to reach my page. Why the hell aren't you writing???)

Tinkers Punishment

(2.23.04 Note: Sorry about the x's. The Tinkers Punishment website that I linked to for all the Tinkers photos on this blog is being updated.)

(3.21.04 Note: There are no more x's where pictures should be because the new Tinkers Punishment website is up and running. Check out the link on the right side of this page.)

(9.24.05 Note: Tinkers Punishment is now called The Films. The picture above is from their MySpace page.)
