Tuesday, September 02, 2003

Let's go bowling!

Now it's time for me to write down my feelings about Michael Moore's Bowling for Columbine.

My reactions as I watched the documentary:
1) God, I need to move out of the United States. We're so evil.
2) Wait a minute! All of the countries in this movie seem to have done evil things.
3) Except Canada... I can move to Canada!
4) Everybody should watch this movie
5) and then go out and do something to make this world a better place.
6) I want to make this world a better place!

Bowling for Columbine is not the best movie I've ever seen nor is it even the best documentary I've ever seen. While in Mexico I lived with a documentarian who has already created one beautiful documentary. She instilled in me the belief that the documentarian should be in his/her movie as little as possible and leave the storytelling to other people and visuals. This is my biggest problem with Michael Moore's latest documentary.

While it has its flaws, Bowling made me think more than anything I've read or seen in a long time. Immediately after watching it I wanted to take action. That Michael Moore has created such a popular documentary that can have such a galvanizing effect on people is amazing. I recommend that everybody watch the movie and tell everybody else you know to watch it too. You should watch it immediately... unless you are under eighteen because it is one of THE MOST DISTURBING movies I have ever seen. You don't need to feel so hopeless at such a young age, trust me.

