Thursday, August 28, 2003

Brad Pitt is my new guru

Why do good girls always want the bad boys?

You hear that question all the time from people's mouths, from magazines, from No Doubt songs. What's crazy is that I've always heard the question asked but never answered... until the other day. I was hanging out in a rather posh house with a rather posh bathroom that had a rather posh magazine rack (well, it was actually a bin with magazines and it wasn't that posh but I like that sentence so I'm sticking with it). In that rack I found a teen mag to keep myself occupied (for the evening, not for my stay in the bathroom). There was an interview with Brad Pitt within and the question above was asked. Mr. Pitt answered with what I consider to be a very intelligent, very possible response. Here's the transcript of that question brought to you by the crazy girls on this message board:

Interviewer: How come bad boys usually get the girl? Does that mean good guys finish last?
Brad Pitt: The bad guys are actually more honest, believe it or not. The nice guys think they have to be polite all the time instead of saying how they feel. That can be kind of boring, and it's not exactly the truth. At least you know how a bad boy really feels.

I couldn't agree more, Mr. Pitt. I highly recommend checking out the Teen People with Reese Witherspoon on the cover to learn more about Mr. Pitt's views for girls on dating. Or you can just look on the above link.

Update from August 29: I shared Mr. Pitt's words of dating wisdom with my friend Lana today. Lana has reminded me that we know at least one lying bad boy. If you can think of a good answer to the above question, please comment here because I'd love to hear what other people have to say. (And, of course, I know that there is never one reason why people do what they do, but I still like to think about these types of questions. Humor me, please.)
