Tuesday, August 19, 2003

Best thing I ever did

Andy over at Bunker 89 tells me that he gets lots of hits on his site thanks to an article he wrote disparaging Miss Christina Aguilera quite a while ago.

Well, I suppose I should now thank Mattel and the Flavas for my popularity. It appears that people have arrived at my site by typing in the following two searches into google:

1) Mattel + flavas + crap (Yeah! Someone found me by typing in "crap"!!!)

2) i like flavas more than bratz now because they have more sexy styles.

I just learned how to read my site meter so I could be totally wrong about this but it appears that someone from a Mattel server even read my blog. Man, the Internet is a crazy place. I think I will probably have to write that sentence at least once a month.

P.S. I'd like to give a big thanks to all you international surfers out there, as well. I know who's reading me from a .de address (Thanks Fabienne) but those Australian and UK hits must be random. I don't care how you got here but keep coming back!
