Saturday, August 16, 2003


Today I had lunch with my dear friend Janel. At the very end of our 4-hour catch-up session she mentioned some horrible customer service she experienced at Lowes. Then I started re-capping two horrible experiences I had with Z. Cavaricci and Hot Topic (don't ask). Both of us had been disappointed with our products and really disappointed with the customer service we received when we tried to right the situation.

As I was driving home from lunch, I had what I think is a great idea. What if there was a website where people could vent their frustration about bad customer service while warning other customers about bad stores and bad companies? Now, this seems too obvious to me. I mean there must be something like this. Maybe E-pinions has it or the Better Business Bureau or Consumer Reports. I don't know. What I do want to know is if anybody out there has seen a sight like this and, if so, where is it? Tell me because I am pissed off and I want everyone to know about it.

