Thursday, August 14, 2003

I'm a pony!

Just for a certain somebody who's been bored at work (you know who you are), I have compiled this list of quizzes (fine, so I stole them off some other blog. so sue me):

Belief-O-Matic: Discover your faith! Apparently, Unitarian Universalism most closely matches my beliefs (100% connection). Theravada Buddhism is number 5 on my list (79%) and Mahayana Buddhism, which is the "belief" I was raised with, is way down at number 9 (55%). Not surprisingly, Roman Catholic is 27th on my list (10%). Too bad so many of those Latin men out there are Catholic... I'm gonna have to find me a convert.

Which My Little Pony are you?: I'm a pony!

Which dysfunctional Care Bear are you?: I'm a bear! And a raver apparently... I'm starting to doubt the results of these quizzes. What the hell! Onward!

What movie do you belong in?: Cinderella!?!?! Graceful? Good natured? Not exactly the first words that anyone would used to describe me. But do check out the other possible answers for this. Man, I'd like to be in Pirates of the Caribbean or Matrix. I can't believe I got Cinderella (picture Elise pouting here). Okay, that's enough of these ridiculous quizzes for now.


