Wednesday, August 20, 2003

Duct tape!!!

A few years ago I got this sudden urge to be Duct Tape Girl for Halloween. I had this vision of creating a fabulous duct tape mini-dress and, for some crazy reason, I thought it would be the greatest thing ever. Well, I left the creating until Halloween day and ended up buying some duct tape last minute at Home Depot. What I quickly found out is that the duct tape created for professionals is very different from the stuff with the cute little duck picture that you buy at the drugstore. The main problem with the professional kind is that it smells... bad. Really bad. In fact, it kind of smells like manure. I don't know about you but there was no way that I was going out to hit the parties smelling like manure. Lucky for me, my dear friend Lynn (who was dressed up as Lime Girl that year) had an epiphany and voila! I was Modern Art Girl, complete with colored cellophane and some black trash bags that we grabbed from the first party of the night.

Anyway, why am I rambling on about duct tape now, you may ask. It is because today I was wandering aimlessly and I came across a store that sells duct tape wallets by Ducti. I am so excited. I think I'm going to wait until Ducti comes out with a new purse and then I'm totally going to buy it. Also, in my search for duct tape just now on the web, I learned that I am not the only crazed duct tape lover. If you type in "duct tape" in Google you can see all types of crazy stuff... and it's not even kinky. There are even some duct tape dresses!!!! Okay, now I'm really excited. Halloween 2003 is going to rock.
