Tuesday, September 02, 2003

Home economics

I just read a great Op-Ed in The New York Times about bringing back home economics. In "Food for Thought (and for Credit)", Jennifer Grossman opines that a good way to help combat the growing (ha!) obesity in the United States is to re-vamp Home Economics.

I, for one, think this is a great idea. I have never been close to obese or even overweight but I have realized since college that I do not know many basic, everyday skills. My cooking is abysmal, my ability to (poorly) hand-wash clothes is a self-taught skill from living in Mexico, and my sewing is so painful that I dread re-attaching newly fallen buttons.

So I say, BRING BACK HOME EC!!!! Make it mandatory for all high school students. Teach proper nutrition and basic cooking. Teach hand-washing and sewing. Teach home finance and basic ways to fix common things. Teach, teach, teach!

