Thursday, September 04, 2003


So I thought MRI meant that "they" lie you down and roll you into that crazy extraterrestrial-like machine and you lie there painlessly while the machine takes pictures. No one told me it also meant sticking needles in me! I hate, hate, hate needles. I almost cried right then and there after I had gotten over the first needle poke only to learn that I was gonna get poked AGAIN! Then I almost cried driving home with my hand and wrist all bandaged up in gauze and tape. And then, when I got home and tried to re-tell the event, I finally did cry. I am twenty-four and I still hate needles, which leads me to...

Top 5 reasons why I will never be an intravenous drug user
5) After today's injection session, my ravenous self actually passed up Chipotle. That can't be good.
4) Wobbly veins (What that means, I don't know. Go ask your friend the phlebotomist.)
3) I would need to get "loaner veins" or poke my feet (my friend the phlebomist's ideas, not mine).
2) Just hearing Damon Albarn scream, "Stick it in my veins!" makes me want to faint.
1) Have you ever seen a junkie cry to get high?
