Sunday, September 07, 2003

Time passed strangely

Since I'm not into underground comic books (or overground comic books, for that matter), I had never heard of Harvey Pekar before last night. Thanks to the movie American Splendor, I now know Mr. Pekar intimately. The movie is a touching reenactment of Pekar's life before and after he became a famous comic book character. I've never seen a movie quite like American Splendor. The movie is shot in an original way and it does its best to prove to its audience that the events and people portrayed within it are as authentic as possible.

I went to see Splendor with my friend Christina. After the movie, she kept repeating how great it was and how happy she was that we had seen it. Now, Christina has not seen a movie in English since Christmas (she has been residing in Italy, land of dubbed movies), but I think that her reaction should still give you an idea of how great this movie is. It's not Earth-shattering, mind-boggling, or mind-numbing, but it is an excellent film that is innovative in its own way. Christina and I give it two thumbs up!

