Thursday, November 06, 2003


Sally has asked that I post about the latest Bush news. Since I aim to please, here it is. Before I begin, I'd like to say two things. One, while I am not a Bush fan, I am also not in a ranting mood. And two, speak your opinion but please try to minimize swearing and other crude language. If you go against this, I will delete your comment. Don't even whine to me about freedom of speech. You people are all eloquent enough to speak your mind with appropriate language, so keep it clean people.

Yesterday, Bush passed legislation that would ban partial-birth abortion. I understand why Bush and Congress passed this legislation. The procedure for a partial-birth abortion is disgusting and difficult to justify. At the same time, I think (and I have nothing to back this up because I haven't done much research on this) that partial-birth abortions are not performed regularly. Most likely they are used as a last resort by doctors who believe that the mother's life is at risk. Any doctors who perform the abortion for other reasons are, in my opinion, unscrupulous and would probably not be deterred by the legislation.

That said, I am not in favor of the legislation. Doctors should be making decisions about these types of abortions and not the government. If a woman's life is in danger, a doctor should be able to perform the partial-birth abortion. Some people are outraged about the ban, but I'm not too worried. After all, less than an hour after the Bush signed the act, a federal judge in Nebraska "issued a limited temporary restraining order against it." I imagine this is only the beginning of the opposition and, eventually, all of the complaints will force the government to modify the legislation.
