Saturday, November 01, 2003

DC rant

My list of grievances:

1. Last night I was stuck in traffic for a sobriety checkpoint. There was an enormous electronic sign announcing the sobriety checkpoint so anyone who had been drinking had ample time to turn around, thereby avoiding the checkpoint. Even though traffic was totally screwed up, I didn't see one person get checked for sobriety.

2. Apparently anybody without a cell phone in DC is shit out of luck. I was in Dupont this afternoon and there were no working pay phones on Connecticut Ave. By the metro there are three spaces where pay phones used to be. By an electronics store there's a non-working phone. For any who are cell phone-less and desperately need to make a call, there are two outside the back door of Kramer's.

3. For us small people who don't want to eat an enormous Chipotle burrito or a similarly-sized meal at another restaurant, there are no real options. Sure, I can get candy at the pharmacy or a disgusting, over-priced pastry at Starbucks, but what if I want real food?

