Thursday, November 27, 2003

Oh drink a bit of wine/ we both might go tomorrow

Today when I got in my car after work, WHFS was playing Jeff Buckley's "Grace." I'm pretty sure my jaw dropped. I sat there in my car in a dark parking lot unable to move because some mainstream radio station was actually playing Jeff Buckley. Why was this happening? How was this possible? Right after the song ended the DJ got on and started talking about how he "friggin' loves Jeff Buckley" and how he had already played "Last Goodbye." It turns out that, in honor of Thanksgiving, WHFS is playing its "entire CD collection" in ABC order. What they really mean is that they're playing all of the hits. That's okay, though, because I got to hear Jeff Buckley again and it made me want to pull out some of my old CDs and start listening to him again.

The title of this post is a lyric from "Grace" but I also find it fitting for my emotions right now. Until tonight I was very happy about Thanksgiving. I'm a big family person so I will totally enjoy going to my grandparents' house tomorrow and seeing my relatives. So what changed tonight? I went out in Bethesda and remembered that hundreds of people I once knew in high school are home for the holidays. That killed my mood because I realized that, for the next four days, I will be living in fear of running into people I have no desire to see. I guess I'll just have to spend my vacation productively. My house does need to be cleaned. What better time than the present?
