Friday, November 14, 2003


So last night I turned on the television to find Diane Sawyer interviewing Britney Spears about sex, drugs, and pop music. I thought that I should watch a little to become more informed. After all, I shouldn't dislike someone without a basis for that dislike, right? Anyway, Britney proved me right in so many ways. She skirted around answers to questions about sex and drugs, she used the word "weird" too many times, and she cried when Ms. Sawyer said that the last year had been a trying one (Wait a minute! Isn't Barbara Walters the interviewer who makes the stars cry? What's going on here?). Britney basically gave me no reason to like her or feel sorry for her. I didn't like her personality and I thought she stuck her foot in her mouth over and over again. I think she should just stop doing interviews altogether if she can't stop saying stupid things. After all, she said she would never have sex before marriage. Oops! I think that in the past she said she didn't smoke. Oops! She says she hasn't done drugs but she has "experimented with partying." Yeah, right.

On a Britney-related note, yesterday I heard on the radio that she received a package from Colin Farrell. The package contained two items: a t-shirt that reads, "I slept with Colin Farrell and all I got was this lousy t-shirt" and a bumper sticker that says, "Honk if you've slept with Colin Farrell." Here's the scoop from The gifts are in response to Britney denying she's enjoyed a raunchy encounter with the handsome star earlier this year. A pal of Colin's told Teen Hollywood, "He thought it would be a great gag to send her the gifts. I think she thought Colin was being a gentleman and had sent her some perfume. "She got quite a shock when she opened his package. She didn't see the funny side and screamed at him on the phone. He was laughing so much she hung up -- they haven't spoken since."
