Saturday, November 08, 2003

What do women like to do???

Now that I work too much, my spare time is important. No more wasting time. No, no. I want to spend that time either enjoying myself or doing something productive. When I have a stressful day, I want to give myself a pick-me-up. Our society seems to think that women get a pick-me-up from shopping, or at least that's what I've learned from women's magazines and Sex in the City. I decided to test this shopping-as-therapy thing out. Here's what I learned:

* Shopping makes me feel poor, ugly, and fat. (Poor because everything at the mall costs so much, even with my new job. Ugly and fat because looking in the mirror too much can do that to me... especially if I'm wearing the wrong clothes for my body type.)

What is going on here? In order to do this experiment, I skipped out on my usual trip to the gym... twice. The next time I went to the gym, here's what I learned:

* Going to the gym makes me feel rich, pretty, and skinny. (Rich because I pay way too much to go to my gym so most of the other gym-goers really are rich. Pretty and skinny because the mirrors and lighting at the gym are awesome, and my workout gear fits my body well. Plus, I know I'm doing something good for myself.)

Now I know why I don't read women's magazines or watch Sex in the City. I am woman, hear me roar.
