Saturday, December 20, 2003

On getting over someone

Elise: it will be weird to see him. i don't know if he wants to see me. he didn't sound excited at all in his e-mail
Ademar: nobody ever sounds ecxited on e-mails. i am sure he wants to see u
Elise: i don't know. what's the point though?
Ademar: well, just say hi and have a nice bit chat
Ademar: and say, take care
Elise: yeah. i miss him. it's annoying
Elise: i really want him to have a girlfriend
Elise: then i could move on
Ademar: c'mon, u don't need that
Ademar: just detach
Elise: but it would be easier
Elise: i will detach
Ademar: don't wish him wrong nor good, just detach
Elise: hmmm. interesting
Elise: i like that line
Ademar: i like it too
Elise: did you make it up?
Ademar: no, i read in Bridget Jones Diary,
Ademar: hi hi hi
Elise: oh : )
