Monday, March 22, 2004

Can a person's finger length tell you if she/he is gay?

Where was I when Berkeley psychology professor Mark Breedlove said that the sizes of the index and ring finger had something to do with whether or not a person is gay? Apparently, this happened in 2000, but I just heard about it today from my friend Lynn. I haven't done much research on this but I did find one interesting article from Slate entitled "Does a Short Index Finger Make You Gay?" According to Slate's reporting, people whose index fingers are shorter than their ring fingers are gay. I did an informal study of myself and my father, and it appears that I am not gay but my father is. I don't know about this whole finger thing but the end of the above article, which is by Timothy Noah, aka Mr. Chatterbox, makes a very interesting point. Here's what Noah wrote:

"Chatterbox is in no position to judge Breedlove's science, but he will restate, for those who've not heard it before, Chatterbox's Law of Biological Determinism: Conservatives believe that genes determine everything except homosexuality; liberals believe that genes determine nothing except homosexuality."
