Wednesday, March 10, 2004

Sleepover gone bad

Tonight I was scheduled to sleepover with two boys... two boys aged ten and four-and-a-half. Prior to the sleepover all went well. The boys and my little brother played and ate pizza and played video games. I taught them how to gamble, swear in Spanish, and say "your welcome" when they burped. All went well until pajama time. Just after we had a pajama race, the four-and-a-half year old ran into the master bedroom and stopped short. He stood there, expressionless, for a moment and then coughed. The ten-year-old informed me that he was throwing up but nothing seemed to be happening so I just waited for the child to move again. His feet didn't move but the rest of him did. First there was a bit of spit up on the floor. No problem; I can clean that up. Then he puked a little. Still no problem. A little became a lot. He hurled about five times before he was finished. Thank goodness my stepmom had just left the house. I called her up, she came over, and she cleaned the whole thing up. She's taken my place at the sleepover and I'm back at home.

I feel a little bit silly for not being able to react but what was I supposed to do? I've never seen someone throw up on the floor. In the bathroom. Sure. On the street. Definitely. But, what am I supposed to do if someone pukes inside? I did look for some towels, but the ones I found were all too nice. Now that I've watched my stepmom, I've learned that paper towels combined with floor and/or carpet cleaner are the way to go. Of course, my children will never puke because they will be perfect.
