Thursday, March 25, 2004


I just read on interesting e-mail from MoveOn about Bush and terrorism. Apparently Richard Clarke, a former counter-terrorism advisor to Bush, recently wrote a book called "Against All Enemies: Inside the White House's War on Terror--What Really Happened" (As I live in a bubble, I am always the last to know about these things. The book has the number 1 ranking at In it Clarke says,

"Frankly, I find it outrageous that the president is running for re-election on the grounds that he's done such great things about terrorism. He ignored it. He ignored terrorism for months, when maybe we could have done something to stop 9/11. Maybe. We'll never know. . . I think the way he has responded to al-Qaeda, both before 9/11 by doing nothing, and by what he's done after 9/11 has made us less safe, absolutely. I think he's done a terrible job on the war against terrorism."

MoveOn says that Bush is now trying everything he can to discredit Clarke. MoveOn wants to get the above quote out to the masses in a television ad. If you would like to help, please visit the following link, where you can also view storyboards for the proposed ad that MoveOn wants to air:

I like that the proposed ad uses part of the above quote, but I'm not a big fan of the last storyboard, which says, "George Bush. A failure of leadership." I wish they could just let the words speak for themselves.
