Friday, May 28, 2004

I nearly fell for him

After a five month hiatus, I'm back to Internet dating. Tonight, I was browsing Craig's List (Ben H's suggestion) for a good man to go out with. The first post I read was too good to be true. It was funny and witty and grammatically correct. One thing was obvious, though; he had cut and pasted the post from a dating service. I decided to check out the services I belong to in hopes of finding a picture to go with the words. Guess what? I found him, but I've already been on a date with him. In fact, in my last online dating frenzy I managed to go out with just TWO guys and HE was one of them. How crazy is that? Sadly, I decided after one date that this particular man was not for me. Too bad because his post was the only interesting one I saw on Craig's List. I might have to move on to speed dating or singles Bingo or, *gasp*, singles cruises.
