Wednesday, May 05, 2004


I just thought of something to write about. I've been trying to figure out what I want in a guy. I was talking with my stepmom about it and listing all of these qualities. After I was done she pointed out that I had forgotten "nice." I've now thought about this whole "nice" thing for a week and I've decided that I didn't forget "nice" because I don't want someone who is "nice." I view a "nice" person as someone who is accommodating and a bit of a push-over. Sure, I want someone who will take care of me when I'm sick (a big thank you to Lana for the wonderful example) and someone who's compassionate and not totally egotistical, but I also want someone who doesn't believe it's necessary to always be "nice." I want someone who will stick up for himself and not let me control every situation. I want someone who's honest about his feelings and doesn't need to apologize for everything. The bottom line is I feel like "nice" is fake. I want someone real.
