Friday, July 23, 2004

Bizzzy as a bee

I take this quick break from work to say HI to everyone.  Busy, busy, busy.  Lots to do.  Going to NYC at 3 and leaving work in a few short hours (yay!), so I wanted to write before I'm computerless for the weekend.

Check out this news brief I got from CNNMoney a few days ago:
Free iPods for Duke students
College says popular MP3 music players will be used to download lectures and books as well as songs.
07/21/04 10:37 AM, EDT
Duke University will give Apple iPods to its incoming freshmen, with school officials saying the popular MP3 music players can be used for educational purposes as well as entertainment.

I want an iPod.  Hmmm. Duke.  I could go there, right?
